

Secretary WON

Fabienne Persijn
 +32 (0)474 842 380




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About WON

WON is an association of patent information specialists from companies and institutes. WON members are responsible for the professional and efficient use of patent information in their companies or organizations.

WON's objectives are:

  • to improve the accessibility of patent publications distributed by the national offices
  • to improve the accessibility of patent information stored in databases
  • to enhance the professional knowledge of patent information specialists
  • to diffuse the knowledge of patents and patent information to persons interested
  • to share experiences on the national and international level

To reach its objectives

  • Organizes meetings at least twice a year. During these meetings members share experiences and representatives of data providers, patent offices and other professionals relevant for the patent information field update us on new developments in the patent information and related fields.
  • Organises seminars to deepen the knowledge of its members
  • Supervises and participates in a basic patent course
  • Participates in events to present information to the public

For more information:

  • More about WON (dutch) !!ADD LINKS
  • a detailed history of the early years of WON